Acid-Resistant Refrigerated CentriVap Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator Labconco
The Refrigerated CentriVap Centrifugal Concentrator is designed to rapidly concentrate multiple small heat-sensitive samples, such as RNA and proteins, using centrifugal force, vacuum and controlled temperature. This exclusive concentrator combines a refrigeration system that cools to -4º C with a heater that warms to 100º C to achieve the user’s desired set point temperatures.
Analytical Balance Sartorius Entris® II Essential Line 120g 220g|0.1 mg, External Adjustment
Analytical Balance Entris® II Essential Line
No matter what you’re weighing, the new Entris® II balance is always the right choice. Offering unrivalled value and backed by almost 150 years of German engineering expertise, the Entris® II comes in two product lines, so you can find the balance that meets your specific weighing needs.Analytical Electron Microscope JEOL JEM-ARM200F NEOARM Atomic Resolution
"NEOARM" / JEM-ARM200F comes with JEOL’s unique cold field emission gun (Cold FEG) and a new Cs corrector (ASCOR) that compensates for higher order aberrations. The combination of a Cold FEG and ASCOR enables atomic-resolution imaging at not only 200 kV accelerating voltage, but also a low voltage of 30 kV.
Atomic Resolution Analytical Microscope JEOL JEM-ARM300F2 GRAND ARM™2
The JEM-2100Plus is a multi purpose transmission electron microscope, which combines the proven JEM-2100 optic system with an advanced control system for enhanced ease of operation. Achieving superior performance through intuitive operation, the JEM-2100Plus provides solutions to a wide range of applications from materials science to medical/biological studies.