“NEOARM” / JEM-ARM200F comes with JEOL’s unique cold field emission gun (Cold FEG) and a new Cs corrector (ASCOR) that compensates for higher order aberrations. The combination of a Cold FEG and ASCOR enables atomic-resolution imaging at not only 200 kV accelerating voltage, but also a low voltage of 30 kV.
“NEOARM” is also equipped with an automated aberration correction system that incorporates JEOL’s new aberration correction algorithm for automatic fast and precise aberration correction. This system enables higher-throughput atomic-resolution imaging.
Furthermore, a new STEM detector that provides enhanced contrast of light elements is incorporated as a standard unit. Contrast enhancement of light elements is achieved by a new STEM imaging technique (e-ABF: enhanced ABF), facilitating observation of light-element materials, even at low accelerating voltages.
The microscope room is separated from the operation room to respond to a remote operation. In addition, JEOL products’ new concept colors of “pure white” and “JEOL silver” are adopted, leading to a sophisticated exterior design of “NEOARM”.
Feature 1
Spherical aberration (Cs) corrector ASCOR (Advanced STEM corrector)
ASCOR incorporated in “NEOARM” can suppress the six-fold astigmatism which limits resolution after Cs correction.
The combination of ASCOR and Cold FEG gives low chromatic aberration and expands the diffraction limit, achieving higher resolution than ever.
GaN [211]:200 kV
Si [110]:80 kV
Graphene (mono layer):30 kV
- STEM image by UHR cofiguration
Atomic resolution ADF-STEM images, their FFT patterns and Ronchigram images, obtained at 200kV, 80kV and 30kV
Feature 2
Automatic aberration correction software JEOL COSMO™ (Corrector System Module)
JEOL COSMO™ adopts a new aberration correction algorithm (SRAM: Segmented Ronchigram Auto-correlation function Matrix). Thus, no special sample is required for aberration correction, leading to high-precision and quick correction of higher order aberrations. This system enables fast processing compared to the conventional correction algorithm and also automates the operations, thus eliminating a complicated correction workflow in the customer microscope. These features enable higher-throughput atomic-resolution imaging.
Sample: Si[110]
Accelerating voltage: 200 kV
Feature 3
New ABF (Annular Bright Field) detector system
The ABF detector is widely used as a technique suitable for high-resolution imaging of light elements. “NEOARM” supports enhanced contrast of light elements by a newly-designed ABF imaging technique (e-ABF:enhanced ABF).
This capability facilitates atomic-level structure observation of materials containing light elements.
Feature 4
Perfect sight detector
The perfect sight detector, integrated into “NEOARM”, uses hybrid scintillators.
This detector always enables the acquisition of high-contrast and quantitative STEM images, irrespective of accelerating voltage settings.
Feature 5
OBF System (Option) *
In the new imaging method ‘OBF STEM (Optimum Bright Field STEM)’, raw images acquired by a segmented STEM detector are used as the source for a phase image reconstruction, with dedicated Fourier filters to maximize the signal to noise ratio of retrieved image.
This promising method realizes higher contrast for both heavy and light elements even while operating under extremely low electron dose conditions. Beam sensitive materials difficult to observe with standard ADF and ABF STEM methods can be easily analyzed with higher contrast at a wide range of magnifications.
STEM Low Dose Imaging
The beam sensitive materials including Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and Zeolites require a reduced electron dose (typically, probe current < 1.0 pA) while maintaining clear atomic contrasts for the framework of light elements.
The OBF STEM has an advantage for such low dose experiments, realizing ultra high dose-efficient STEM imaging in an atomic resolution.
Both of OBF STEM Image MOF MIL-101(left) and MFI Zeolite (right) are acquired in a single shot and the high spatial resolution of 1 Å can also be observed on the FFT pattern in right inset. Moreover, stack image averaging (left inset) confirms that resolution and contrast are very well balanced.
High Contrast Imaging for Light Elements
In addition to being highly dose efficient, OBF STEM is also advantageous for light element imaging.
Even in a lower acceleration voltage, both higher contrast and spatial resolution can be achieved for light elements.
The resolution for light elements becomes much better with a higher acceleration voltage.
Each atomic column is now clearly separated with a deep sub-angstrom resolution inside complex structures or along higher-index crystallographic axes.
The quality of OBF STEM is excellent in low dose conditions, and further enhanced under the standard probe conditions of a Cs-corrected electron microscope.
Live OBF Imaging
In an actual experiment, live OBF imaging is fundamental for beam sensitive materials as all operations should be performed in a dose limited condition. The live function is included in the OBF system, implemented within the TEM control software, with simple GUI control and real time display updates alongside conventional STEM images.