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Masticator Homogenizer IUL

Masticator paddle blenders enable thorough homogenization of samples while isolating them from any possible contamination. The Masticator’s high-quality durable motors ensure safe and efficient homogenization. This solution is for food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and clinical laboratories that seek reliable homogenization that is cross-contamination-free. The Masticator blenders disperse samples inside sterile bags with paddles that drive a masticating action while moving the sample from side to side. This key step in sample preparation ensures homogenous distribution of microorganisms throughout the diluent. Several models encompass a wide array of possibilities.

SONOPULS Ultrasonic Homogeniser SONOPULS HD 4000

Homogenisation, deagglomeration, emulsification, suspension, acceleration of chemical reactions or disruption of cells, bacteria, fungi or spores are the main areas of application. Greatly reduced process times and quickly available reproducible results make SONOPULS ultrasonic homogenisers indispensable for modern processes and analytics.